Advil, Nyquil
Advil, Nyquil
Baby Shampoo, Garnier
Baby Shampoo, Garnier
Listerine, Old Spice
Listerine, Old Spice
Cerave, Prada, Tom Ford, Revlon
Cerave, Prada, Tom Ford, Revlon
becky jewell controllers.jpg
Man of the Hour
Man of the Hour
Again again again
Again again again
Sounds like an excellent idea
Sounds like an excellent idea
Inheritor of Worlds
Inheritor of Worlds
Something in passing, nothing more
Something in passing, nothing more
Anything at All
Anything at All
Something new, Something that you did not know before
Something new, Something that you did not know before
It really works!
It really works!
Act 1 is Better than Act 2
Act 1 is Better than Act 2
Cancer Check
Cancer Check
becky jewell iphone.JPG
Advil, Nyquil
Advil, Nyquil
Baby Shampoo, Garnier
Baby Shampoo, Garnier
Listerine, Old Spice
Listerine, Old Spice
Cerave, Prada, Tom Ford, Revlon
Cerave, Prada, Tom Ford, Revlon
becky jewell controllers.jpg
Man of the Hour
Man of the Hour
Again again again
Again again againOil on plexiglass
Sounds like an excellent idea
Sounds like an excellent ideaOil on plexiglass
Inheritor of Worlds
Inheritor of WorldsOil on plexiglass
Something in passing, nothing more
Something in passing, nothing moreOil on plexiglass
Anything at All
Anything at AllOil paint on plexiglass
Something new, Something that you did not know before
Something new, Something that you did not know beforeOil paint on plexiglass
It really works!
It really works!Oil on plexiglass
Act 1 is Better than Act 2
Act 1 is Better than Act 2Oil on plexiglass
Cancer Check
Cancer CheckOil on plexiglass
becky jewell iphone.JPG
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