The ruby-throated hummingbird is one of my favorite birds. These beauties love hanging out in Leadville and other American cities - they gravitate towards red flowers, red humminbird feeders, and other flora. Whenever a hummingbird is near, you can hear it's half bell, half buzz-like sound as it flies through the air. The sound is as rapidly repetitive as it's wings and tends to doppler as the bird approaches and departs from your proximity. I started making small watercolors of these birds from source photos.
For this piece I utilized Yupo paper, which gives the bird it's vibrant colors as well as the layered and aqueous effect. Yupo might work best for fish or mermaids or other creatures in the water, but it works equally well for a hummingbird's scale-like feathering patterns.
Watercolor on paper
The piece above is a hummingbird in watercolor on cold-pressed watercolor paper. The vibrancy of the watercolor pencils made the bird stand out well, and also allowed for the creation of a gentle wash background.